Saturday, May 30, 2009

Step 1

Well, we finally got everything out of the house and the final touch ups and cleaning done.  Now we need to get everything organized.  Everyone is very tired from a week and a half of moving in the rain.  At last we had some nice weather for the last day.  We have all been rather on edge and short tempered but we are surviving.

Tomorrow is supposed to be my first day leading prayer and reading scripture at church.  I am really nervous and not at all sure of what I am going to say but I pray God will give me the word to use and the confidence to speak.
The way work is going I am not at all sure of where we will get the money from for school much less the repairs I need to make on the cars before then but I will trust in God and wait and see.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pator's Lunch

Wednesday was pretty cool. I was invited to a Pastors lunch hosted by Joe Gibbs at his race shop. I had the opportunity to hear Randy Alcorn speak about his book "Heaven" followed by Joe Gibbs talking about his new book coming out called "Gods Plan for Life". I enjoyed meeting the Pastors that were there as well as Mr. Gibbs. I am still getting used to being in settings like that and am not always comfortable. I feel like I don't belong in the same room as most of them. I am sure they all felt the same and may still.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I was just thinking about how much I have changed in the last 4 years and it occured to me that since those changes were due to growing closer to the many changes can I expect as I attempt to follow Him completely and trust in Him for all our needs?  I find myself wondring what else He has to teach me and where He will lead me.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Visit to Fruitland

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go and visit Fruitland.  I had a great time.  I went with Pastor Hal & Pastor Bobby.  The school has a great feel to it.  You can tell there is a strong love for Jesus there.  The scheduling should allow time for me to hold a part timr job out there without adversly affecting my studies.
I feel this is the place for me and that God will provide a way.

""God demonstrates His own love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.""

Romans 5:8