Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fruitland: First 2 weeks

I know it's been a while since I posted last. I have been extremely swamped in my first two weeks at Fruitland. I had no idea what it would really be like. I have a ton of reading and homework to do where I sometimes wonder how I will possibly get it all done. I have not found a job yet and part of me is wondering if I will. That being said, it is more wonderful there than I ever thought possible. I have learned so much already and the more I learn the more I realize I need to learn. I have made so many new friends there and I pray I can be of service to them in some way. I look forward to the long term friendships I know will develop there. I thank God for each one of them, some for the pure joy the exhibit, others for their strong faith, and still others for their constant support and encouragement. I am not worried about our income. I was worried the first week but the more time goes on the more I remember that I am only here by God's grace. I am the last person most people would think would be at a seminary preparing to go out and preach God's word and to lead His people. I certainly never did. As time goes on there, I am finding more and more that this is exactly where God wants me and that He designed me with this specific calling in mind. I am not sure where He will send me but where ever it is I will gladly follow.

I applied for an internship in the Youth Ministry at First Baptist Church of Hendersonville. I don't think God is specifically calling me to be a Youth Pastor, but I feel that He is telling me to get as much experience in as many different areas as I can. I don't know if that's because I did not grow up in church and have a lot to learn or because I will need all that knowledge for whatever He has planned. I have heard so many stories from so many different people about how and why they are there that one can't help but believe that God calls His people to service. So many have left jobs, offers of college scholarships, established lucrative businesses and even some had family leave them to follow God's calling in their lives and it is a blessing to be among so many faithful followers. I thank God for all those that are supporting us and praying for us. I know that God will see us through and will guide us to where He wants us to go.