Saturday, January 9, 2010

Facebook Breast Cancer Support

    Over the last couple of days I have noticed a pattern of colors. The ranged from black, to red, to pink, to burgundy, to beige, and even skin as woman listed as their status message what color bra they were wearing or in some cases not wearing. Now please, please, please do not think I am writing this from a critical or accusatory view point nor am I trying to say the cause is not important. I believe that this was a loving response from woman to try and make people focus on a very real threat to women of all ages as well as to their families and I admire their attempt to spread awareness of the disease. However, there is an equally devastating epidemic among men of today including men in the church. Please take note that I am only sending this to people that I know are Christians and would appreciate the seriousness of this epidemic.

    Pornography and sexual immorality is among the largest problems among men today. This is a problem that includes Christian and non-Christian and has even afflicted many in the ministry. Now I am sure that many of you are already aware of this, but since men and women are wired differently I fear a few things may not have occurred to the women out there who are trying to make a difference in this world. As I said, men and women are wired differently and men are visually stimulated. This is not reserved to a visual stimulation strictly in the physical sense. The mind's eye can be just as detailed and stimulating. Speaking from experience all sin begins with a thought and grows from there. In the last couple of days I have heard opinions from several Christian men who have expressed that even though they commend the effort of trying to spread awareness of breast cancer, they wish it was done in a different way that was not so distracting. Men today are assaulted with all kinds of stimuli that are tailored directly at men's weaknesses. I know this is not a pretty subject but it is an important one. I have had many men express the difficulties they struggle with have tried to help them find ways to build up barriers to these temptations. Among many comments, one of the most often mentioned is the wish for their Christian sisters to be aware of our plight, as men, so that they may assist us in our battle.

    So I close with this, when you consider that this begins with a thought, and these thoughts are easily placed from all kinds of sources, do you really want your Christian brothers reading, and which may then lead to them to thinking about what color bra you are wearing? I know this was all done with good intentions, and this is a serious disease, but which disease is more critical, the one that affects the body or the one that affects the soul? Therefore sisters, please consider the affect this may have on you brothers and your husbands and please, consider another approach.