Saturday, April 18, 2009

I will follow...

     After a lot of prayer and looking back at the past four years I have decided that God has been leading me this whole time and guiding me this moment.  I was holding off to be sure of how Crystal felt.  I did not realize that she was sure she would follow wherever I am led.

    I believe in my heart that God is calling me to the ministry.  I don't know where He will lead us or how I can serve Him but I don't want to spend a lifetime running from His will.  He has supported us even in the worst of times so I trust that He will no matter what.  Pastor Scott told me that if I am being called to the ministry, nothing else will appeal to me or satisfy me.  I believe he's right.  I can't think of anything else I would even remotely want to do.  Even if I won the Lotto I have felt for a long time that I would be able to start a variety of charitable support organizations and dedicate my time to full time volunteer work.
     So, Father please guide my steps as I commit my life to your service and let your Word light my path.